
December 15, 2014

@ColorFabb are Total Fab

So I've been 3D printing for a while now and I've been through quite a few reels of filament. I've tried a few suppliers and I've kind of stumbled into using ColorFabb as a single supplier. They make great PLA/PHA filament that prints with a single profile regardless of colour, they deliver from the continent really fast and have a great team with great hints and tips, technical info and a lot of stuff on the materials and test cases they do, but today I was significantly impressed with their customer services. I've chatted with them a little in the past regarding information I wanted and they delivered, fast, reliable... cool.

I placed an order a couple weeks back and it arrived in the usual fast timeframe. I started using the filaments without thinking much of it, but yesterday I went to open a new box, got it opened to the actual filament only to find the wrong diameter had been shipped. So, bearing in mind that I didn't check the order when it arrived, it was 2 weeks later and I had removed all the packaging I thought I'd contact customer services and push my luck to see if I could get free shipping on a new spool. Within hours of them opening a new spool was on its way, a return of the old spool was in progress and I had a 10% off voucher for my next order.


Great PLA, great resources, and great service... I've even forgiven their incorrect spelling of 'colour' :)

Thanks guys

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